Worship Hours:


  • At 6:30 pm on the US East Coast
  • At 3:30 pm West Coast US
  • At 20:30 in Brazil
  • At 23:30 in Portugal
  • At 00:30 in Spain and Germany

Holy Supper on the last Sunday of the month:

  • At 08:30 on the US East Coast
  • At 05:30 on the US West Coast
  • At 10:30 in Brazil
  • At 13:30 in Portugal
  • At 14:30 in Spain and Germany

Who we are

“God is good all the time, all the time God is good”.

In 2015 God gave us the name and logo. The logo means “That the Lord is Our Shepherd and King, His Spirit expands everywhere, Worshiping the Lord Jesus without Borders”.

God has always shown people and situations with the purpose of fulfilling his promises and reaching the souls around. We are currently starting the Missionary project “Jesus without Borders” where there will be preparation for the Servants of the Lord to travel and make the Ide. You can also be a blessing of this project 🙌🏻 contact us by email.

Imagem da área do Quem Somos

Summary of Worship

8 de December de 2023

Our sister Tânia, daughter of pastors Ivandro and Fátima. Beautiful preaching about trusting in God and his sovereignty....

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19 de August de 2022

DO YOU GO OR STAY? _ I was very happy when they told me; let’s go to the house of the Lord. _ Anoint those who are crying out your name my God. _ Do not fear God is...

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Ícone do valor


Do missionary work, evangelize and help those in need

Ícone do valor


Reach souls for the Kingdom of God and make the Lord's Go

Ícone do valor


God, Family, Salvation, Healing, Forgiveness and Love


The beginning

In March 2020, with the closure of churches and other establishments, due to the Lock Down of Covid, Missionary Ivani called her husband Presbíter Alexandre and their children to be in daily prayer, to get closer to God, and always leave the full oil from the lamp. Seeing her husband’s difficulty and discouragement in praying, God revealed a strategy for the Missionary, saying to her husband: “My love, I see that you are discouraged, why don’t you call your friend Pastor Adriano to pray with you? God work in your life”.

Imagem da área do Começo

And so began a 21-day Words and Prayers campaign, between Pastor Adriano (Located in Brazil) and Presbíter Alexandre (Located in the USA) via WhatsApp, while the Missionary continued her daily prayers with her children.

At the end of the prayer campaign, Presbyter Alexandre was touched to invite 3 more people to Word and Prayers, where two accepted. One of these people asked for help and then started another campaign, Fast of Daniel and Word and Prayer of 21 services.

God taking his ways, prepared 8 people for the service through WhatsApp, then the services were migrated to a room on the Zoom App, which holds up to 100 people. And since then we haven’t stopped bringing God’s word and will in every week.



Ivani Zapelini

Ivani Zapelini

Alexandre Zapelini

Alexandre Zapelini


Cristiane Wentz

Cristiane Wentz
Media Secretary / Treasurer

Robson Crispim

Robson Crispim
Pastor / Curso de Teologia ONLINE (CIPAFE)

